I have a killer family story tell you all that involves intrigue, skin discoloration, hillbilly masks, and acts of hubris. And my mother of course. Sadly, she has forbidden me to to discuss this story or share the amazing photo. So instead I will put up the equally freakish image of Cathy's niece. Isn't she a monster?.
I started my month heading down to Cartagena, Colombia for a very, VERY last minute trip (I found out about it two days before I got on a plane). It was mostly a talent scouting trip but I was able to sneak in a scuba diving excursion. At least 5 different people I met seemed to be confused about my name, asking if Joshua was English for Jesus? It's not.
The trip to Colombia was amazing and that country has a wealth of musical assets. It reminds me of a compact Brazil. Cartagena was almost unbearably hot and humid, the temp hovering at around 97 with 80 percent humidity. I soaked through most of my clothes while the locals strutted by in jeans and long sleeve shirts.
The next week I was in Montana where it was 7 degrees.
Moving on...
I have taken time off life and worked at my families store in Berlin, NJ since I was 13. The one year I failed to show up to work for the holidays my car was doused in gasoline and burnt to a crisp while parked at the local Jewish Community Center. The blame for this act was placed on some hoodlum for Northeast Philly, but I think my father played a part in scaring me into a work ethic. Maybe it was his recipe for a version of Jewish scared straight. Anti-Semitism+ignoring of filial ties+removal of mode of transportation+being stranded in Northeast Philly=work for the family biz every Christmas for the rest of your life. Thanks pop.
It is always great to see my family in action of the holidays and even if my mother was incapacitated by injuries, she still was able to cook up some mean soup.
It was Cathy's birthday on Christmas day and if you failed to wish her a happy birthday you will burn in Christian hell. As a gift of Santa or Jesus or something, she has those sorts of magical powers.