This past weekend we had the first ever meeting of the cookie club (giggle).
What is the Cookie Club you ask? The Cookie Club is a safe space where real men gather together to share fresh baked cookies with their friends. Who can bake cookies for the cookie club you ask? Real men. Who cannot bake cookies for the cookie club you ask? Woman (or fake men).
Now that you have read the above, you should give yourself a moment to allow your testicles to distend (if you have testicles, if you don't the wait will be for naught).
But that was on Sunday night. There were myriad events prior to this happening, most of which involved either enjoying the weather or complaining about the weather.
Cathy and I also made terrariums of various sizes.
the figure on your right is supposed to be Cathy. She would totally wear that outfit. The overstuffed class cup terrarium is supposed to be me. Cathy thinks I am fat with a bottom full of pebbles.
Back to the club. It was 90+ degrees outside, so it felt strange to finally be having this party. The entire idea came about when Dan:
and I got to talking at another non-cookie, drinking and whoring party about baking. As we got to talking about baking cookies, all the ladies around us wanted in on what was going on. So we excluded them.
Cathy made fun of the concept for months as Dan and I talked about doing it, but never actually set a date. When we finally got down to it and set a date and time, Cathy still let on like she wasn't into the whole idea. Gimme a break. When the day came along, I caught her making her own little sign for the event:
If you look closely, Cathy's deep racism against Asian's is evident. Also against cookies.
All in all, cookie club was a hit. I made pretty lame oatmeal sesame chocolate drops that went over like my father in a sushi restaurant.
AFP made a fantastic macaroon that stole the show. Here he is, king for a day:
We also grilled up some eats and made a pasta salad with the herbs growing on our porch. All in all a good day.
wow a college degree doesn't even get you the knowledge to know left from right